The UK Microwave Group (UKuG) was founded at the inaugural meeting held on 14-Nov-1999 at Adastral Park, Martlesham, where it has since held its AGM. The meeting approved a Constitution for the group. In early 2004 it became the representative voice of the UK amateur radio microwave enthusiast after the Radio Society of Great Britain disbanded its own Microwave Committee. As a result, the UKuG took over the former RSGB Microwave Newsletter and, from 1 July 2004, published it as Scatterpoint, which was the name of Group’s own original quarterly newsletter up to 2003.

The UK Microwave Group (UKuG) continues to celebrate its growth and success as the representative voice of amateur radio microwave enthusiasts in the UK. The Group is affiliated to the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) and, through the Group Committee, works closely with the RSGB Spectrum Forum. The Group is not dedicated to any one mode or band and is certainly interested in promoting satellite, wideband, ATV and data as well as weak signal operation.

Our Mission is 'To Develop Amateur Microwave Communications'. The UKuG's efforts are currently focussed on four main areas:-

Our Aims - The Group aims to provide information, advice and, most of all, support to all radio amateurs working on projects from 1GHz upwards.

Our Support - We have established a Technical Support Team to assist others, along with Loan Equipment, Chipbank and Project Support schemes.

Our Leaflet - click on the image for our leaflet - 'Amateur Radio in the GHz Bands' (revised Aug-2024). Printed copies of this tri-fold leaflet are available on request via Barry G4SJH, email: leaflets@microwavers.org.

Our Callsign G3EEZ (aka GX3EEZ) formerly belonged to Amateur microwave pioneer Alan Wakeman, and was re-issued as club callsign to the UK Microwave group in July 2011.

Membership of the UK Microwave Group is open to all interested in amateur microwaves whether they are resident in the UK or not. UKuG Members can also acquire branded Accessories/Clothing

More Info: Committee | Constitution | Membership | Scatterpoint I Privacy

Please let the Webmaster, Murray G6JYB, know if there are any website issues.

General News/Email:
Many UKuG members are also subscribers to the UK Microwaves and UK Beacons email Groups, but note that these are not 'owned' by UKuG.

See also our Media Page, Twitter feed and Youtube channel
