10GHz Record
24GHz Tests between VK7MO, OK1KIR, G3WDG
Transverter controller / switcher
Heelweg and Dwingeloo
2015 UKuG Microwave Contest Calendar
UKuG AGM Notice
The 1296 MHz ON0EME Moon Beacon
This month I ave mostly been building
24GHz Waveguide - an alternative?
Using FPGAs for radio projects
Activity News
Ofcom PSSR news
Martlesham programme
John Wood G4EAT SK
REAST talk on 24 GHz world record
Square awards for G4NBS
Diplexing GPS and VHF signals
Martlesham programme
Tribute to John G4EAT at Martlesham
13cm test source announcement
ACMA changes to 9cm band
Current density / warming of pcb tracks
Lowband contest results
Martlesham noise measurements
UKuG 2015 AGM Minutes
Eric Rogers, G3MWN - Silent Key
Amateur TV Contest
2015 Contest Calendar
Loan equipment
The Bodger's Guide to Microwaves
Ultra broadband ceramic capacitors
MMRT 2015 Trophies
RAL Roundtable photos
A reasonably priced shaft encoder
7MHz CW practice receiver
Beacon OK0EB goes Microwave
EME 10 GHz Activity Report
EME 5,7 GHz Activity Report
New World Records Set on 2.3 and 3.4 GHz
Finningley pictures and tests
Contests - lowband, 5.7, 10, 24, 47 GHz
Impossible 0.1dB noise figure at 10 GHz
Sales and wants
134GHz Construction
Altoids Tin Filters
2015 Crawley Roundtable info
Activity from Jersey/Guernsey
Chokes up to 40 GHz
Higher Microwave Bands - 47, 76, 134, 248 GHz
39.4GHz converter for AlphaSat
47 and 76 GHz activities in Sweden
2015 Crawley Roundtable Programme
Scottish Microwave Roundtable Registraion
Silent Key Arie Dogterom PA0EZ
Small dish 10GHz EME from Hungary
Direct IQ upconversion with Alcatel White Box
G3VVB Trophy award to G8ACE for 134 GHz
Trophy Manager vacancy
Aug/Sep Contest Results
Silent Key: Phil Schorah GW3PPF
Silent Key: Eltje Veen, PA3CEE
Antenna Comparison at 76 & 134 GHz
A gas canister antenna for 134GHz
Observations of a DUCT on 6cm
134 GHz Construction and Operating
Heelweg Microwave Meeting 2016
Simple Microwave Oscillator - W1GHZ
New Masthead System - G3XDY
EME 24 GHz Activity Report
Radar Expert required
UKuG Microwave Contests - 2016